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Top 5 Ab Exercises For Women | includes videos to explain how to do them correctly

Many women ab exercises are available nowadays. Aimed at strengthening and toning the abdominal muscles, these exercises are designed especially for women who desire great, gorgeous and beautiful abs they can boast and brag about. If you're a woman, read down below and go over these helpful exercises.

1- Bicycle Crunches Exercise

Regarded as highly-effective of all the ab exercises, it encompasses and tones down both the lower and the upper abdominal muscles. The key is to keep focused on your abdomen and your breathing. Begin by fully stretching out one of your legs as you bend the other one. Bring the opposing elbow to the bent leg as if you are executing a twisting type of crunch. Apply the same procedure on the other opposing elbow and leg pair. But don't let your body pull back down completely.
This video shows you how to do "Bicycle Crunches Exercise"

2- Sprinting Exercise

Exercises that impose sprinting strengthen and reinvigorate the abs, producing toned and strong abdominal muscles in the process. When you do sprinting you burn much of the body's calories faster so you significantly lose more weight. Great abs are also formed through running. Infusing running with sprinting for a daily ab workout routine will provide great effects on your abs.
This video shows you how to do "Sprinting Exercise"

3- Hanging Knee Raise Exercise

This hanging knee raise works best for your lower abdominal muscles. Do this by holding onto a bar or railing above your head. Then, lift your legs slowly while simultaneously contracting your abdominal muscles. Be sure not to let your legs dangle loosely as you hang from the railing. This exercise should be done with full control and should strain the abs all throughout the exercise.
This video shows you how to do "Hanging Knee Raise Exercise"

4- Decline Crunch Exercise

When you want to develop a strong midriff, then this exercise is best. You can flatten your abs and strengthen your midsection by simply doing crunches or sit-ups on slanted board. Workouts on a decline or slanted board are carried out in many simple ways aside from the common sit-ups or crunches. Some of these are the adding-weights-to-your-chest, changing the slanted board's height and the so-called slow declines.
This video shows you how to do "Decline Crunch Exercise"

5- Fitness Ball Crunches Exercise

In this particular crunch, you take the pressure off your back as you target your abs directly. This technique commands outstanding results for the abs. You can do this by simply crunching down and rolling the exercise ball backward so as to bring your buttocks near the ground. Perform the same sequence on the opposite direction this time repeating the whole process several times. Done the right way, this workout produces significant results.
This video shows you how to do "Fitness Ball Crunches Exercise"

How to get the best result from these exercises

You can get the best result only if you are focused on your lower and upper abdominal muscles for optimum strength and fitness. A slight stretching and nice warm-up exercise are recommended prior to conducting a series of exercises. After you're done with the workouts, you will have to stretch again before retiring.
Lastly, a sound mental attitude and discipline play vital roles in keeping yourself physically fit. And this includes your diet preference and choice of workout routine.
